Tips for Managing Allergies During Summer

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Reviewed By Blake Gilliam, CRNP

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Summer’s here, but for many, it’s not all sunshine and roses. Sneezing, itchy eyes, and that dreaded stuffy nose can quickly turn a joyful season into a miserable one

If you’re one of the millions battling during allergy season, Madison Integrative Medicine is here to help you take back your summer.

In this blog, we’ll be sharing tips for managing allergies during summer and how allergy testing can help you alleviate symptoms and enjoy the season to the fullest.

Key Takeaway

Allergy testing can pinpoint the specific allergens causing your discomfort, paving the way for personalized treatment strategies to manage your summer allergies effectively.

Understanding Summer Allergy Triggers

Summer allergies, often peaking in late spring and early summer, are typically caused by:

  • Tree pollen: Trees like oak, birch, maple, elm and other types of trees release pollen into the air, causing a wave of allergy symptoms for many.
  • Grass pollen: Grasses like timothy grass, ryegrass, and Kentucky bluegrass also contribute to high pollen counts, especially in late spring and early summer.
  • Mold spores: Warm, humid weather creates ideal conditions for mold growth, both indoors and outdoors.
  • Smog: Warm weather, especially in urban areas, can lead to increased ground-level ozone, a key component of smog. Smog can irritate the airways and worsen existing allergy symptoms.

Common Summer Allergy Symptoms

Recognizing the signs is the first step to finding relief:

  • Runny nose
  • Stuffy nose
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Scratchy or sore throat
  • Coughing
  • Itchy skin
  • Hives or rashes (in the case of insect stings)
  • Dark circles under the eyes (due to nasal congestion)
  • In severe cases, shortness of breath

How Allergy Testing Can Help

Allergy testing helps to find specific allergens triggering your symptoms. The test identifies your body’s response to various allergens like pollen and mold.

When you know what triggers your allergies, you can take proactive steps to minimize exposure, whether by reducing outdoor activities during peak pollen times or creating an allergy-safe indoor environment. 

What to Expect During Allergy Testing at Madison Integrative Medicine

  1. Consultation: Your testing begins with a discussion about your medical history, current symptoms, and any known allergies.
  2. Preparation: A small area of your skin, usually on the forearm or back, is cleaned.
  3. Allergen application: Tiny drops of different allergens will be placed on your skin.
  4. Pricking: A tiny device is used to gently prick your skin under each drop, allowing a small amount of the allergen to enter.
  5. Observation: Your skin will be monitored for about 15-20 minutes for any reactions. A positive reaction may look like a small, raised bump (wheal) surrounded by redness.
  6. Measurement and documentation: The size of any reactions is measured and recorded to determine your level of sensitivity to each allergen.
  7. Results and discussion: After the test, we will review the results with you, explaining any identified allergies and discussing personalized treatment options tailored to your specific needs.

Tips for Managing Summer Allergies

Limit Outdoor Exposure

  • Check daily pollen counts and avoid outdoor activities when levels are high.
  • Wear a NIOSH-rated 95 filter mask when doing outdoor chores.
  • Shower and change clothes after spending time outdoors to remove pollen.

Create an Allergy-Free Haven at Home

  • Use an air purifier with a HEPA filter to remove allergens from indoor air.
  • Keep windows closed and use air conditioning during high pollen season.
  • Wash bedding frequently in hot water to kill dust mites.
  • Consider using a dehumidifier to control mold growth.

Explore Treatment Options

We will prescribe you sublingual allergy drops. They are a convenient and safe approach to managing your environmental allergies. 

You will place these custom-formulated drops under your tongue. They function similar to allergy shots exposing your body to the allergen. The amount of allergen will be gradually increased allowing your immune system to become less reactive over time.

Don’t Let Allergies Steal Your Summer

Whether you’re suffering from seasonal allergies or experiencing allergic reactions year-round, we can help! Don’t let summer allergies ruin your summer: book an appointment for allergy testing today!

If you are searching for ‘allergy testing near me’ we can help. Call (256) 325-0955 or complete the online inquiry form to schedule your consultation.

FAQs About Allergies in Summer

What does allergy fatigue feel like?

It manifests as persistent tiredness, a heavy feeling in your limbs, or an overwhelming need to sleep. This fatigue can stem from the body’s constant battle against allergens, which triggers an inflammatory response and leaves you feeling drained.

Do allergies get worse with age?

Allergies can change over time, and while some people may find that their allergies worsen with age, others may experience a reduction in symptoms. The immune system can alter its responses as you grow older, sometimes becoming more reactive to allergens you weren’t sensitive to before or, conversely, becoming less responsive.

Can you get rid of allergies permanently?

There’s no cure to get rid of allergies permanently, but there are ways to manage them effectively. Sublingual allergy drops are an effective treatment that gradually retrains your immune system to become less reactive to allergens, leading to a significant improvement in your quality of life.

Ready to take charge of your health?

Book an appointment today, call us at (256) 325-0955, or drop us an email at [email protected].
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